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Kristy Anderson, Jessica Rast, Anne Roux, Tamara Garfield, Paul Shattuck
Published Online: 6/9/2020 | https://doi.org/10.17918/NAIRFINANCIALHARDSHIP2020
Access to Services, Community and Social Participation, Health and Mental Health
In-depth Report
Data Source
National Survey of Children’s Health 2017 (NSCH 2017)
# Pages
This report describes financial hardship among families of children with ASD (ages 3-17 years) and their participation in safety net programs.
Families of children with ASD face significant financial challenges due to their child’s complex service needs and frequent out-of-pocket expenditures for community services and health care. This report describes financial hardship among families of children with ASD (ages 3-17 years) and their participation in safety net programs.
Anderson, Kristy A., Rast, Jessica E., Roux, Anne M., Garfield, Tamara., and Shattuck, Paul T. National Autism Indicators Report: children on the autism spectrum and family financial hardship. Philadelphia, PA: Life Course Outcomes Program, A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, Drexel University, May 2020