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Paul Shattuck, Jessica Rast, Anne Roux, Kristy Anderson, Teal Benevides, Tamara Garfield, Elizabeth McGhee Hassrick, Alice Kuo
Published online: 3/13/2019 | https://doi.org/10.17918/NAIRHIGHSCHOOL2019
Access to Services, Community and Social Participation, Education, Health and Mental Health, Transition to Adulthood
In-depth Report
# Pages
In this report we characterize the demographics, disability characteristics, adaptive behaviors, and educational and health care experiences of teens and young adults ages 12-23 on the autism spectrum.
Characteristics of teens on the autism spectrum have been changing over the past decade, driving the need for updated statistics to provide a current picture of the population. This report presents updated statistics on indicators of demographics, disability, education, and health. For many of the indicators, we highlight the experiences of low income and minority youth, examining differences in functioning, health, and experiences by household income and race/ethnicity.
Shattuck, Paul T., Rast, Jessica E., Roux, Anne M., Anderson, Kristy A., Benevides, Teal, Garfield, Tamara, McGhee Hassrick, Elizabeth, and Kuo, Alice. National Autism Indicators Report: High School Students on the Autism Spectrum. Philadelphia, PA: Life Course Outcomes Program, A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, Drexel University, 2018.