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Jessica Rast, Tamara Garfield, Anne Roux, Kristy Anderson, Kaitlin Koffer Miller, Lisa Hund, Sha Tao, Connor Kerns, Kashia Rosenau, Emily Hotez, Paul Shattuck, Lindsay Shea
Published Online: 8/31/2021 | https://doi.org/10.17918/NAIRMENTALHEALTH2021
Health and Mental Health
In-depth Report
Data Source
National Survey of Children’s Health, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, National Inpatient Sample, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicaid Analytic eXtract (MAX) files, Kaiser Permanente Northern California previously published research
Autistic children and adults have high rates of co-occurring mental health conditions. Treatment or counseling from mental health professionals was common, however mental health services were difficult to access and parents of autistic children often report needing more mental health care. Psychotropic medication use is common in autistic children and adults, especially in those with co-occurring mental health conditions such as depression. Mental health conditions are also the most common cause for hospitalization in autistic children and adults. Autistic children with unmet need for mental health care were less likely to participate in their community than children who had no unmet need for mental health care.
The purpose of this report is to catalogue indicators of mental health and mental health care to highlight areas of needed improvement in practice and policy. Mental health care is an urgent priority and this report documents barriers that individuals and families face when trying to access mental health care. Good health and wellbeing require effective interventions and supportive policy to ensure that mental health needs of autistic children and adults are effectively addressed.
Rast, Jessica E., Garfield, Tamara, Roux, Anne M., Koffer Miller, Kaitlin H., Hund, Lisa M., Tao, Sha, Kerns, Connor M., Rosenau, Kashia A., Hotez, Emily, Anderson, Kristy A., Shattuck, Paul T., and Shea, Lindsay L. National Autism Indicators Report: Mental Health. Philadelphia, PA: Life Course Outcomes Program, A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, Drexel University, August 2021.