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Anne Roux, Jessica Rast, Kristy Anderson, Paul Shattuck
Published online 5/3/2016 | https://doi.org/10.17918/NAIRVOCREHAB2016
Vocational Rehabilitation, Employment, Transition to Adulthood, Access to Services
In depth Report
# Pages
The 2016 Vocational Rehabilitation report details:
- Characteristics of the group of people with autism who used Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services
- How people with autism used VR services
- Indicators of employment outcomes for people with autism who used VR services
- Comparisons of services and outcomes of people with autism to people with other types of disabilities
- Differences in services and outcomes for people with autism across states
Employment is about more than simply earning a paycheck - it influences quality of life, independence, and wellness. Historically, employment outcomes for adults with autism are poor. The U.S. Vocational Rehabilitation system (VR) is designed to provide support to states for implementation of services to assist people with disabilities to prepare for, find, and keep employment. VR data allow us to examine some outcomes for those with autism compared to their peers.